How to get $65k for a down payment

The starter home.

It was that first home that you really were not all that exciting about living in. Yeah, you were coming out of an apartment so it seemed liked a luxury to park in your own driveway or maybe have your own washer and dryer. But it was a place you knew you wouldn’t stay in forever. The goal was to get on what we used to call “The Property Ladder” just to start building equity. Then you’d take that equity with you to your next home, which was nicer and had more of what you really wanted.

The trend I’ve noticed lately is most first time buyers want to start off with their second home. They can’t afford it now, which is the problem. Most would rather complain about how past generations had it better than to buy a house they don’t really love, so they keep renting……as if we somehow loved living in a 1000 square foot home with only one bathroom. We didn’t, trust me!

I don’t think many of them see that the way to get to the house they really want is to start with what you can afford and build the equity. Equity is a pleasant sounding word that means your home increases in value while you sleep and part of your payment goes towards reducing the balance on the loan. Building equity is what my dad used to call “Leveraging time.” If you are young, leverage the time of your youth by building equity.

If you were to buy a boring $250k house and commit to staying there for 5 years, you would have paid down about $15k of the loan. Nice, but there is more. Let’s say your $250k house appreciates at 5% per year for each of those 5 years you are staying. Your house should be worth about $320k. At the end of those 5 years, you only owe about $235k. When you go to buy that next house, the one you really are excited to own, you’ll have about $65k to put down on it after things like some maintenance and real estate commissions.

What I love about this is that you are double dipping in the world of money. Your loan balance goes down and the value of your home goes up every month. Win-Win.

Getting a starter home is how you get to the house you really want within 5 years. Renting won’t get you there. Saving money for a larger down payment won’t get you there. Go buy a house you can afford today. Find the best one there is. Live there for 5 years. It’s what every generation did that now seems to have such nice homes.

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